Too Many Houseplants: Is There Such a Thing?

Too Many Houseplants: Is There Such a Thing?

Maybe my house does look like a jungle, but as long as my plants are healthy does it matter? I am sure you have heard this response when some people get accused of having too many houseplants, but is too many really a thing? I was curious if it was myself, especially...
Should You Put Worms in Indoor Plants?

Should You Put Worms in Indoor Plants?

Nature is an amazing gardener if you think about it. Everything about how nature cares for plants is an amazingly perfectly designed system, and even though we try, we just can’t fully imitate perfection. Worms, for example, are perfect for making natural fertilizer...
Is it OK to Move Indoor Plants Around?

Is it OK to Move Indoor Plants Around?

I was never one for Fung Shui, and I prefer to be able to rearrange things every couple of months. To me, it makes it feel like it is a new space with fresh energy, and I like to add a little excitement to an otherwise boring home. Although with indoor plants, I...
Indoor Plants and Fertilizer: What You Need to Know

Indoor Plants and Fertilizer: What You Need to Know

Indoor plants require several things they can’t get outdoors, and one of those things is fertilizer. Many a would-be gardener has written themselves off as a black thumb simply because they misunderstand how to apply fertilizer, or how often.  So, what do...
How to Clean Indoor Plant Leaves: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Clean Indoor Plant Leaves: A Step-By-Step Guide

Indoor plants add a stunning touch of greenery to your indoor space and undeniably bring your home to life. With studies proving that indoor plants help to reduce your stress, boost concentration and creativity, while literally purifying your air and removing...
Does Fly Spray Harm Indoor Plants?

Does Fly Spray Harm Indoor Plants?

If you use fly spray indoors, you might have wondered whether or not it will hurt your indoor plants. After all, some plants are delicate, and household chemicals can be very harsh when they come into contact with living tissue.  So does fly spray harm indoor...
10 Best Automatic Watering Systems for Indoor Plants

10 Best Automatic Watering Systems for Indoor Plants

Indoor, Automatic Watering Systems come in many different varieties, and it can be difficult to find the best one for your needs. There are many varieties of watering systems for the indoors, and many factors will go into choosing the right one, such as price,...
Are Rubber Trees Good Indoor Plants? A Beginner’s Guide

Are Rubber Trees Good Indoor Plants? A Beginner’s Guide

If you are looking for a new indoor plant to upgrade your living space, then the rubber tree is one of the best options to consider. We’ve prepared this beginner’s guide which will give you everything you need to know about how to take care of these plants so that...
Are Grow Lights a Fire Hazard? How to Stay Safe

Are Grow Lights a Fire Hazard? How to Stay Safe

Grow lights are a good investment for indoor gardening, but breakouts of fire can be a concern when setting up electricity-intensive equipment with the potential to generate a lot of heat in a residential space.  So, are grow lights a fire hazard? Grow...